Höfundur: Erik Johnson

Book cover for Kundalini – A Baptism of Fire: The Journey of the Mystic by Maria Vyasa

Maria Vyasa – “Kundalini – A Baptism of Fire: The Journey of the Mystic”

At YogaGeek, we’re delighted to share that Maria Vyasa is more than an admired author; she’s a treasured friend of our team. Her wisdom as a psychotherapist and teacher of classical yoga shines through in every interaction, and her newest work, Kundalini – A Baptism of Fire, offers an extraordinary glimpse into the mystical path…

Global Connection – A minimalist abstract of interconnected countries in soft tones, representing yoga as a tool for international diplomacy.

India’s Yoga Diplomacy: Soft Power on the Global Stage

In recent years, yoga diplomacy has become a key soft power strategy for India, particularly under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. This approach leverages the ancient practice of yoga to extend India’s cultural influence and diplomatic reach across the globe. It emphasizes India’s rich heritage, promotes international goodwill, and strengthens India’s role as a peaceful,…

A minimalist depiction of autumn yoga in a serene Zen garden, where a lone figure practices yoga on a simple wooden platform surrounded by meticulously raked gravel and strategically placed maple bonsai trees shedding their crimson leaves. The style is minimalistic, emphasizing clean lines and subtle textures, rendered with digital illustration techniques to convey simplicity and tranquility.

Embrace the Tranquility of Autumn: How Yoga Can Help You Find Balance During Seasonal Transitions

Discover how yoga can help you stay grounded and balanced during the autumn season. Learn about the benefits of yoga for managing stress, enhancing emotional resilience, and embracing the transition into fall with peace and tranquility.

Byltingarkennd rannsókn leiðir í ljós óvæntan ávinning jóga fyrir kynlíf

Byltingarkennd rannsókn leiðir í ljós óvæntan ávinning jóga fyrir kynlíf

Nýjar rannsóknir undirstrika hlutverk jóga við að efla kynheilbrigði Nýleg kerfisbundin úttekt og safngreining sem birt var í tímaritinu Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice sýnir að jóga getur verulega bætt kynlíf hjá fullorðnum. Þessi rannsókn, undir forystu Ariane Maria de Brito Pinheiro Rodrigues og hóps vísindamanna, greindi gögn frá tíu slembiröðuðum klínískum...